How to Apply
Katherine Michiels School Preschool Program: 2-4 years
Attend an Open House - Adults only
Submit an Application - applications are accepted year-round
Every year, we enroll applicants annually starting on January 1st, May 1st, and September 1st of each year. We accept applications for the Preschool Program on a rolling basis throughout the year. Applicants are then selected for program visits as a second step in the admissions process. All applicants in our application pool will be considered equally.
If an unexpected opening arises, we will review the application pool and immediately schedule program visits.
Although we always wish we could accommodate more, as a small school our ability to accept students is limited. You are welcome to visit us at any or all Open Houses to find out more about KMS and our admissions process.
Thank you for your interest in our school, we look forward to hearing from you.