Enrichment Classes


Enrichment Program (full-time after school)

The full-time Enrichment Program is for NON-KMS students. They must be 5 years old by September 1 to sign up for Enrichment Classes.

If you are a KMS STUDENT looking for after-school programs you will want to sign up on the AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM page.

Daily Activities include:

  • Backyard for outdoor gardening, playing and socializing, or a game on the back deck.

  • Art projects in the sunlit Atelier.

  • Homework Hour and support.

  • Working on Curiosity Research.

  • Building with Kaplas, Legos, and blocks in the industrious “Moon Room”.

  • Tinkering in the Workshop.

  • Games, books, and music.   

If you are a KMS STUDENT looking for after school programs you will want to sign up on the AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM page.

After School: Off Site Student (Enrichment)


Enrichment Classes are a three-month commitment. You may add 3 to YOUR CART to pay for the entire school year.

Tuition is due the 14th of the prior month of each trimester: 

  1. Sept. - Nov., (Payment Due Aug. 14th)

  2. Dec. - Feb., (Payment due Nov 14th)

  3. March - June last day of school. (Payment Due Feb. 14th)

Late Pick-up Fee: you will be charged $35 for the first ten minutes and $1 per additional minute until your arrival.